PM Law Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

We are very proud to advise that PM Law remains fully operational during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Having prepared and implemented an emergency contingency plan, including work from home technology and “flex hours” for those who must still come into the office, well before the current restrictions and state of emergency set in place by the Province of Ontario, we have been and continue to be able to serve all of our valued clients, safely and effectively. Our staff and lawyer’s health and safety is our #1 priority, and through creativity and common-sense, we have managed to balance those needs with those of our many local and international clients. During this difficult time, our lawyers can be reached 24/7 via email or cell phone, and we are here to help! We wish everyone well, and remind all to – as much as possible and until advised it is safe not to do so, to practice social distancing, avoid gatherings and unnecessary travel, practice regular hand-washing, and follow the advice of our Public Health officials during this time of crisis and upheaval for many.

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