Proposed Regulations for all-in airfare advertising

The proposed regulatory Amendments on all-in airfare advertising have been pre-published in Part I of the Canadian Gazette and comments are invited until September 13, 2012. The proposed Amendments will require the price of an air service to display the total price inclusive of all taxes, fees and charges and apply to the advertising of air travel from and within Canada. Offered by both Canadian and foreign airlines. The advertisement would also provide the customer with access to a breakdown of the taxes, fees and charges which are paid to a third party, such as departure taxes, sales taxes, airport fees and security fees. Such access would be a reference to the location where a full breakdown of the necessary information could be obtained at a website or toll-free number. The proposed Amendments will also require that a consumer have access to a listing of any optional services, such as checked baggage, preferred seat selection, and meals, offered for a fee or charge and that the price of each service be displayed using an all-inclusive format including third party charges, such as taxes. The proposed Amendments will not apply to air cargo or to packaged travel services. For air carriers and other advertisers who also advertise in the American or European markets, the proposed Amendments should be in keeping with these regimes and are not expected to impose additional requirements.

Category: Aviation, Blogs Tags: advertised prices, airfare

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